New Life with Limbs: Empowering Lives through Prosthetics and 3D Printing

In 2013, James Goff, CP, embarked on a life-changing journey to establish New Life with Limbs, a nonprofit organization with a noble mission: to provide prosthetic limbs to people in developing world countries with limited access to prosthetics. Goff has been on over 10 trips in 10 years, bringing prosthetics to Haiti, Sierra Leone, and most recently the Dominican Republic.

Sierra Leone, in particular, holds a significant place in his heart due to its history of civil war, during which many individuals were left amputated. The organization's work in these countries has been transformative, giving amputees a new lease on life. Goff mentioned that “to do this job, you have to love people. And watching them get back to life and be a whole person is the best part.”

"Watching them get back to life and be a whole person is the best part.”

Goff and the New Life with Limbs crew had the opportunity to visit the Dominican Republic twice in 2022 and again in July of 2023. They have another trip planned for February, 2024. “We put in the hard work here and now so we can have fun and make a difference over there,” he said of creating the sockets for a good cause.

James Goff and New Life with Limbs crew member stand with prosthetic recipient
James Goff (back) and New Life with Limbs crew member (left) stand with prosthetic recipient in the Dominican Republic, 2023

Over the years, New Life with Limbs has gained support through various fundraising events. Notably, the organization holds an annual sponsorship golf tournament, which recently celebrated its 5th year. This year, the event was a tremendous success, with 18 teams of 4 participating and filling the golf course!

Over $14,000 was raised during the outing, enabling them to make a more significant impact. The time and effort dedicated to creating the products is volunteer-based, so 100% of funds goes to supplying the prosthetics to those in need. Thus, when Goff decided to embrace the potential of 3D printing technology, it made this year’s goal more attainable. 

In March of 2023, Goff added the Protosthetics Galileo program as his additive manufacturing partner in 3D printing. Since then, he’s become comfortable with the printing process for his business Prosthetic Solutions of Indiana. “3D printing has deleted extra steps and made everything more seamless,” said Goff. So when he began considering fabrication options for New Life with Limbs, he turned to Galileo. 

“3D printing has deleted extra steps and made everything more seamless."

Protosthetics readily agreed to print copoly diagnostic sockets for the charity and charge only for the cost of material and shipping. New Life with Limbs supplied around 50 prosthetics during this year’s trip to the Dominican Republic, 39 of which were printed with Galileo and their partners at Filament Innovations. “Not only did Gaileo save time and money, but it made this year’s trip possible,” said Goff.

Copoly prosthetic sockets lined up against the wall
Copoly sockets lined up for distribution, Dominican Republic 2023

The use of 3D printing increased fabrication efficiency, allowing the nonprofit to allocate more resources to its core mission. Goff particularly liked being able to start a print and then focus on other work before starting the next. “When working on a time crunch, it’s important to have peace of mind that everything will get done,” he said of 3D printing time-savings.

James Goff and New Life with Limbs have been providing hope, mobility, and empowerment to hundreds of amputees around the world. Not only are they helping people physically, but they also see their mission as a vehicle to spread the gospel of Jesus. “God has blessed us with this awesome opportunity,” he rejoiced. “We will share the love of Christ with the world.” 

“God has blessed us with this awesome opportunity.”

As they continue their mission, New Life with Limbs will be a beacon of light for those in need, proving that technology, compassion, and a determined spirit can create positive change in the world.

About Protosthetics

Protosthetics was the first central fab facility in the United States to be based solely on 3D printing and CAD/CAM manufacturing. Using this technology means lower costs, shorter lead times, and repeatable, predictable quality each and every time. The introduction of the Galileo System is now bringing 3D printing revolution directly to O&P practices in a new, cost-effective way. Learn more about getting Galileo in your office by reaching out to


About New Life with Limbs

New Life with Limbs is a nonprofit organization dedicated to meeting physical and spiritual needs of amputees by traveling to third world countries to make prosthetic arms and legs. Their mission is to bring Christ's love to amputees across the world. You can support New Life with Limbs by participating, volunteering, or sponsoring one of their upcoming fundraisers. To learn more or to donate, please visit the New Life with Limbs website. 

Media Contact

Darren Jacoby


Tel: +1-701-478-2001
